However, crossbow achieved greater power and could had been used effectively only after about a week of training. For that reason many medieval armies used the crossbow consisting of a bow mounted on the stock, a groove that guided missile called the bolt and a trigger.Ĭrossbow was the leading missile weapon in the Medieval Times although longbow achieved greater range, better accuracy and faster shooting rate than the crossbow which shot only one bolt per minute. Trained archers shot from 6 to 10 arrows per minute but longbow required a lot strength to pull and years of training. The bow and arrows was considered a lower class weapon in the Medieval Times even after the introduction of the English longbow which proved to be very powerful weapon during the Hundred Years’ War, especially in the battles of Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt.Įnglish longbow, probably of Welsh origin was usually 6 feet and 6 inches (2 meters) long and had an effective range to about 656 feet (200 meters).

The medieval sword has its origin in the Roman spatha, a sword with a long point measuring about three feet (80-90 cm) which greatly influenced the Germanic ancient swords during the Migration Period (roughly 300-700 AD).

Hilt consisted of a grip (the handle of the sword made of wood or metal), a guard to protect the hand and a pommel which was a counterweight at the top of the handle. Sword consisted of a blade with one or two cutting edges and a sharp or rounded point set in a hilt. The form and designs of swords changed through time and greatly varied from country to country but its basic components remained constant throughout the centuries. Two types of swords were used during the Medieval Times: single-handed short sword with a pointed end and heavy two-handed sword with a rounded end. Medieval knights had always sword ready by their side and often gave them special names.

Sword was a symbol of knighthood and was used for both defensive and offensive purposes in close combats. Medieval weapons consisted of an array of hand-held objects but the sword was by far the most popular weapon during the Medieval Times. Nobility during the period of the Middle Ages became regarded as “those who fight” or “those who make war”, while the leading role of chivalry in medieval warfare clearly indicates the term “Age of chivalry” which is often used as synonym for medieval warfare. Thus military service eventually became limited on the members of nobility who could afford the costs of armament, military equipment and absence from their estates for a longer period. However, equipment for the army which based on heavy chivalry was very expensive.
Military campaigns which usually lasted for several months from spring to autumn had to participate all free men. Incessant private warfare and numerous invasions which marked the period of the Middle Ages required well organized military forces for both defensive and offensive purposes.